Thursday, October 20, 2011


It has been a long time since I have blogged. Busy, busy, busy with home schooling and our youngest is on a special diet call the GAPS diet. She is grain and dairy free. I love to bake and have been making some very yummy baked goods with almond and coconut flour. But my kitchen is always a mess and I make every thing from scratch for her to eat. Not that that is a bad thing, just time consuming.

This past weekend was filled with  our middle two kids playing baseball, and me freezing while watching, and celebrating our oldest daughter daughter turning 19. She was home from school for a fall break and it was sooooooooo nice to have her home.

 I did have time to quickly make this:
It is a cute little pumpkin pattern and easy to whip up. I hung it on the door into my husbands office.

Blessings everyone!!!
