Thursday, October 20, 2011


It has been a long time since I have blogged. Busy, busy, busy with home schooling and our youngest is on a special diet call the GAPS diet. She is grain and dairy free. I love to bake and have been making some very yummy baked goods with almond and coconut flour. But my kitchen is always a mess and I make every thing from scratch for her to eat. Not that that is a bad thing, just time consuming.

This past weekend was filled with  our middle two kids playing baseball, and me freezing while watching, and celebrating our oldest daughter daughter turning 19. She was home from school for a fall break and it was sooooooooo nice to have her home.

 I did have time to quickly make this:
It is a cute little pumpkin pattern and easy to whip up. I hung it on the door into my husbands office.

Blessings everyone!!!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Our dog Angus

Here is our Scottie dog Angus. I thought I would post a cute picture of him. I am still working on Hannah's blanket and am looking forward to her coming home for the weekend from school :) It has been an odd week where I just felt like things were out of order and we will be doing Friday's school work over the weekend. The house was just getting too messy and we cleaned this morning before we headed out the door for our co-op.  The kids each take 2 classes and I get to sit in the lunchroom chatting with other moms. It is a nice way to finish up our school week. Well, I off to get started on cooking dinner and I am looking forward to the six of us sitting down to the table together. As my dear, wonderful sister Patti would say. Toodles!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A post without Hannah...but Josh had to help me :)

I have been waiting for my Lucy pack yarn to arrive from Wales and also, I was fearing posting with Hannah back at college. But I  followed the directions she left me and had my son Josh help me put the picture in :)  The yarn is beautiful...but the skeins are small, so I have to plan carefully what I will use it for. I love the colors and so many of them, too!
I have been rather sad with my oldest back at school. I think after growing up with 3 sisters I just enjoy having another female that I can relate to, at least in someways, in the house. Our youngest has some special needs and Hannah is such a wonderful help. But she must live her life and right now that means lots of studying and fun a couple hours away at school.
We are also back to home schooling and it is going well, but it really does take a few weeks for us to get our brains back in the school mode.
And then my dear husband is coaching 2 little league teams for fall baseball. Our sons and our 12 year old daughter who is the only girl on the boys team...go Natalie! Well, I hope to post some crocheting soon, which has been on the back burner with all that has been going on. Blessings! Joyce

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A blanket for day.

This is a Lion Brand pattern that my oldest picked out for me to make her. I keep putting it down and work on other little crochet projects...I need to stay focused. She is off to college soon and this won't be going with her. Maybe it will be ready by her Oct. bday :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Drawstring bag

A bag for Natalie. She picked out the colors while we were up north.